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4 Reactions to Exposure from Mould

What do I need to Know About Mould Exposure?

Mould Exposure

If you have Mould in your home or in your business. You should be aware of what exposure to Mould can mean to some of us. This article will help bring to your attention some of these issues.

Firstly, we should understand exposure to Mould and the problems it can cause. More information is coming to light about the dangers of mould. Experts are still learning daily about the effects of Mould on our properties and more importantly our health. The Australian parliament recently has had an inquiry into Mould and the relationship between tenant and landlords. Their conclusion brought the realization that Mould treatments and exposure need more scrutiny.

1 Allergic Reactions

Mould can cause severe allergic reactions with some people. This can lead to breathing problems such as asthma. In other types of allergic reactions, Mould can lead to skin irritations and general skin problems. The reaction one has will depend on the individual. If for example you already have issues with asthma, then adding Mould to the equation can cause extra breathing issues. If you have skin rashes or current skin allergies. Exposure to Mould can enhance the issue

2 Smelling Mould

When we smell Mould constantly this can have a detrimental effect on our health. There are many instances when Mould will be present in the home and you will be unable to see it. There is, of course, the situation where you can see the Mould and smell it. The constant smelling and breathing of Mould can lead to headaches. If you are someone that suffers from headaches. The smell of Mould will only increase headache symptoms. Mould aromas have been known to lead to vomiting, nausea, blocked noses and as mentioned earlier, asthma.

3 Mould Produces Pathogens

Mould is known to create and release pathogens. Pathogens are primarily bacteria and viruses. Please note Mould itself is not a bacteria or virus. Mould is a fungus, however, some Mould spores can release pathogens which lead to various illnesses. Some of these illnesses are serious. Someone who has recently had surgery and is recovering or simply anyone recovering from an injury or sickness should not be exposed to Mould on any level.

4 Toxic Mould Spores

Before we begin toxic Mould does vary significantly, it can depend on what the Mould is feeding on, the growing conditions and other factors such as humidity and condensation. The point that we are making is that when Mould grows in a toxic environment. The spores can produce mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are extremely dangerous to human health.

Mycotoxins have been related to some very serious illnesses worldwide. Some illness’s some as raspatory illnesses, are very common as is vomiting and diarrhea.

However toxic Mould has led to digestive tract illnesses such as liver disease and internal bleeding. Reproductive illnesses are also reported in such infertility and changes in hormonal cycles. Some more highly serious illnesses related to mycotoxins are cancers, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) chronic fatigue disorder (CFD). Other reports of tuberculosis and lupus.

More Information on Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are not live spores, they are in fact the result of live Mould spores. It’s not a matter of killing live spores. It’s a matter of breaking down the toxicity of the mycotoxin. Mycotoxins do become airborne and enter the lungs. This can lead to a variety of illnesses and diseases as discussed. Mycotoxins break down after a time, but some are extremely resilient and can stay toxic for several years.

Mould is Dangerous What do I do?

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. Mould can be dangerous, if you do have Mould related issues, can smell Mould or simply believe you are suffering from a Mould related illness. It really is worth contacting an expert. The first part of the process is having your property tested for Mould. If it is found, you have a level that is dangerous to humans. Then it is wise to have an expert remove the problem. Please understand that 99.9% of properties will have some form of Mould. Its when the level becomes dangerous. A professional will be able to determine this with specialized equipment.

References for Quality Mould Removal Services

For mould removal solutions in Perth contact Mould and More

For mould removal solutions in Sydney contact Mould Removals Sydney

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